About Me

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I am currently 3rd grade teacher at West Burlington Elementary School in West Burlington, Iowa. I'm in my ninth year of teaching at the same school I attended from K-12. I pursuing my Master's degree in Instructional Technology through the University of Northern Iowa and I am so excited about this adventure.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Are We Ready? Ready Or Not!

I googled "Web 2.0 elementary classroom" today and was pleased to find many sites that contained numerous resources for using Web 2.o tools in an elementary setting. After school, I walked across the hall to one of my fellow 3rd grade teacher's classroom and asked her if she was ready. She asked, "Ready for what?" I replied, "To blog, wiki, use voicethread, etc, etc, next year?" She said she was going to throw up, but then quickly responded... "I'll do it if you show me how." Now, this is someone who has been teaching for quite sometime and who commonly calls me, her computer geek. She is a very smart, master educator who flinches at the mere thought of technology. I simply told her we're all going to have to. It's what the world is coming to. It where our differentiation is going to have to come. Some of the kids already know these things and those who don't are going to need to. Therefore, we need to know as well! In a short chat with Professor Zeitz this evening, he directed me to http://thinkleadserve.wikispaces.com/ where I found the youtube video above and I can't wait to share it.


  1. I hear you LOUD and CLEAR!! All my teachers are on board, but 1...and she is going to drag her feet at every new project!

  2. Our principal showed this at our last staff meeting. It is interesting, and it did anger some of our teachers. I think that controversy is a good thing, though. It's how we grow.
